St. Fergal's Parish, Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland

Mass Times


St. Fergal’s Church






Syro Malabar Catholic Church
St. Fergal’s Church Ballywaltrim

every Sunday

at 12 midday

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Syro Malabar Catholic Church






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Monday 21st October 2024

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Today’s Liturgical Readings



Irish Catholics Bishops’ Conference

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The very same power that God exercised on Christ, he has also put to work on the faithful. We are God’s work of art. Let us indeed make ourselves rich in the sight of God.



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St Fergal’s Church
Baptism Team
Our Baptism Team are in need of some extra volunteers to assist on a rota basis, with the twice monthly Baptism’s which take place here in the Church. Training will be given, and Garda Vetting is a necessity.
If you would be interested in joining this dedicated team please leave your name with Jenny in the parish office, or contact Monica Cornejo at:- 086-0608384

Many thanks


Lay Led Liturgy

There’s nothing new in saying that lay people have an essential role in mission both inside the Church community itself as well as in the broader world. Two sacraments confer this important role, Baptism and Confirmation. Over the last hundred years and more, this fresh understanding of these sacraments has been growing in the Church. Pope Francis’ first letter to the Catholic world has emphasised this theme even more strongly.
While the gift of the priesthood to the life of the Church is essential, perhaps the decline in vocations is allowing for the emergence of the role of the laity. We must, though, continue to pray for more priestly vocations.
In the here and now however, the growing absence of priests prompts us to prepare for lay led liturgies. For Archbishop Dermot Farrell, the most urgent demand now is preparation for lay led funeral ceremonies. This initiative is not confined to Dublin or Ireland. In Wales, Archbishop George Stack, now retired, introduced lay funeral ministry in 2018. Commenting on this ministry he said: “When lay people open up their lives and express their own faith, that has a huge impact. It’s not just about the ceremony on the day. The lay ministers will journey with people through close contact that may go on for months.”
In our Bray Enniskerry Partnership, lay volunteers will take on training in the Autumn in funeral ministry. It’s hoped to commission ministers for this role by the end of the year.


Wicklow Dementia Support

Wicklow Dementia Support is seeking volunteers. The organization is looking for volunteers to become a friend to someone with dementia. Volunteers are required to drop in to visit a person with dementia once a week for two hours in order to give their carer a break. The organization is also looking for volunteers to support people who are living with memory loss and who could attend a new “Cognitive Stimulation Therapy” group in the Villa Pacis Centre (Queen of Peace), Bray. These sessions take place each Wednesday morning between 10.30am and 12.30pm. Complete free training and ongoing mentoring will be provided for the volunteers. For further information, please contact or call Kate on 0851345128.



Dublin Diocesan

Liturgical Resource Centre


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Lexio Devina




The season of Christmas ends with the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord. As the season draws to an end, the Solemnity of the Epiphany offers an opportunity to proclaim the centrality of Christ’s paschal mystery: dying he destroyed our death and rising he restored our life. The Easter Triduum of the passion, death and resurrection of Christ is the culmination of the entire liturgical year. The proclamation of the date of Easter may be announced on the Solemnity of the Epiphany after the homily or after the Prayer after Communion. The Announcement with music is to be found in RM, pp. 1351-2.
Know, dear brothers and sisters that, as we have rejoiced at the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, so by leave of God’s mercy we announce to you also the joy of his resurrection, who is our Saviour.
On the fourteenth day of February will fall Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of the fast of the most sacred Lenten season.
On the thirty-first day of March you will celebrate with joy Easter Day, the Paschal feast of our Lord Jesus Christ.
On the twelfth day of May will be the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ.
On the nineteenth day of May, the feast of Pentecost.
On the second day of June, the feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. On the first day of December, the First Sunday of the Advent of our Lord Jesus
to whom is honour and glory for ever and ever.


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Synod Report

Courtesy Vatican News





The bronze crucifix which hangs on the sanctuary wall is a gift to the Church of St. Fergal from the Archbishop of Salzburg, it was specially designed for this church by an Austrian artist, Josef Zenzmaier,

He was inspired by the violence suffered in Ireland, during the last century and during the ages of religious persecution to show Christ in his agony.  The figure on the cross is still alive, the body twisted by pain, we are reminded that Christ continues to suffer in people today.  How often have we seen bodies torn apart by bombs, bodies lying twisted on the footpath after being murdered, people writhing in grief because relatives or friends have been killed or injured?

The artist also wanted to show that suffering and violence do not overcome Christ. the face of Christ is peaceful, serene, victorious. beyond the agony on the cross there is the resurrection.

The lesson is an obvious one. violence is not overcome by violence; it is overcome by patience, gentleness, and love.



Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:

where there is hatred let me sow love,

where there is injury let me sow pardon,

where there is doubt let me sow faith,

where there is despair let me sow hope,

where there is darkness let me give light,

where there is sadness let me give joy.


O Divine Master, grant that I may

not try to be comforted but to comfort,

not try to be understood but to understand,

not try to be loved but to love.

because it is in giving that we receive,

it is in forgiving that we are forgiven,

and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.




Updated Parish Privacy Statement


Who are we?

This parish is part of the Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin.  The parish is a registered charity Registered Charity Number: 20016166, Parishes Revenue Number CHY7424.  The Parish Priest/Administrator/Moderator is the data controller for the parish, in other words he is the person responsible for making sure your data is safe and secure.

  • Baptism Registers

The Archbishop is the sole controller of the personal data and special category data contained in the Baptism Registers held in Parishes of the Archdiocese with respect to storage and retention of data, standard and special annotation of data and alteration of data. The Archbishop, along with the Parish Priest/Administrator/Moderator assigned to the Parish which holds the Baptism Register, are each a joint controller of the personal data and special category data with respect to collecting and recording of data in the Baptism Register.


Your personal data – what is it?

Personal data relates to a living individual who can be identified from that data.  Identification can be through the information alone or in conjunction with other information in the data controller’s possession or likely to come into such possession. The processing of personal data is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation or the GDPR and the Data Protection Act (2018).

Who does this Privacy Notice apply to?

This Privacy notice is for all those whose personal information is dealt with in any way by the parish including parishioners, clergy, staff, volunteers, contractors, suppliers and visitors and there may be others. 

What is the lawful basis for processing your personal data?

The GDPR requires specification in the Privacy Notice of the lawful basis for processing personal data.  Below are the lawful bases which are relevant to our processing activities;

  • Where consent has been obtained. This can be withdrawn at any time.

  • Compliance with a legal obligation

  • Performance of a contract, or to take steps to enter into a contract

  • To protect a person’s vital interests

  • Legitimate interests – this includes any activities that involve advancing and maintaining the Roman Catholic religion.

  • Where processing is carried out by a not-for-profit body with a religious aim provided: –

    • the processing relates only to members of the congregation or former members (or those who have regular contact with it in connection with those purposes); and

    • there is no disclosure to a third party without consent.



Baptism Registers held in Parishes of the Archdiocese

Where personal data and special category data is processed in the Baptism Registers held in Parishes of the Archdiocese, the Archbishop relies on the legitimate interests in preserving the information contained in Baptism Registers because such registers consist of a record of the administration of certain sacraments in the Roman Catholic Church. It is essential that the Archbishop maintains a record of certain sacraments which may only be administered once in the Roman Catholic Church. As personal data contained in the Baptism Registers is special category personal data, the Archbishop must have an additional lawful basis for processing. The Archbishop relies on processing carried out in the course of his legitimate activities with appropriate safeguards and the processing relates solely to members or former members of the Roman Catholic Church, and personal data is not disclosed outside the Roman Catholic Church without the consent of the member/former member concerned.



What personal data do we process?

The parish will process some or all of the following types of data, where necessary to perform our duties;

  • Names;

  • Contact details – telephone numbers, addresses, email addresses;

  • Information about the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage and Holy Orders;

  • Information relating to donations as required for audit purposes and the Charities Act (2016);

  • Safeguarding information on staff, clergy and volunteers as required by the National Safeguarding Office;

  • Information relating to gender, age, date of birth, marital status;

  • Information gathered for the furtherance of faith development supports and services;

  • Information relating to education/work histories, academic professional qualifications;

  • Some of the personal data we process will fall under the category of sensitive personal data as it will identify your religious belief. There may be other categories of sensitive personal data processed including information on health (e.g. pilgrimage requirements), details of injuries (e.g. legal claim), trade union membership (for a staff member).



How does the Parish process personal information?

We use your personal data for purposes included among the following;


  • to enable us to meet all legal and statutory obligations;

  • to deliver the Church’s mission to our parish community and to carry out other voluntary/charitable activities for the benefit of our parish community;

  • to minister to our parishioners and provide you with pastoral and spiritual care (such as visiting the sick or the bereaved);

  • to organise and facilitate ecclesiastical liturgies for our parishioners, including funerals;

  • facilitate the sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmations and Marriage;

  • to promote and assist the mission and growth of the Church in the Diocese of Dublin;

  • to carry out comprehensive Safeguarding procedures in accordance with best; safeguarding practice with the aim of ensuring that all children and vulnerable adults are provided with safe environments;

  • for those involved in the management of the parish we use the personal information you provided to enable both the parish and you to carry out your role effectively (e.g. members of the pastoral council, finance committee etc.);

  • for lay people who assist in all aspects of parish life including the creation of rosters, being involved in parish sacramental teams etc., we use your information to assist you in your various roles. Without such information it would not be possible for you to function effectively in your role in our parish;

  • To fundraise and promote the interests of the parish and process donations e.g. information supplied by donors to use in supporting our work

  • To maintain our own accounts and records e.g. putting agreements in place, invoicing and making payments. Personal data held in this regard forms part of our contractual arrangements with you;

  • To send you the parish newsletter;

  • To deal with your request;

  • To manage our staff, volunteers and contractors;

  • Our processing may also include the taking of photographs, live streaming via the webcam, or capturing images in our CCTV;

  • On occasion the parish has to share your personal data with the Diocesan offices. To enable this to happen compliantly a Data Processing Agreement has been put in place which is signed by the Parish Priest/Administrator/Moderator and counter-signed by the Archbishop. Examples of this sharing include contact with Chancellery in relation to sacramental issues; HR in relation to employment issues; Finance in relation to tax on donations and other areas affected by the Charities Regulation; Child Safeguarding for Vetting and Safe-guarding issues. This list is not exhaustive.


Sharing your personal data
Your personal data will be treated as strictly confidential and will only be shared where appropriate;


  • Information may be shared with statutory or church bodies for tax relief purposes or for law enforcement agencies for the prevention and detection of crime;

  • Information may be shared with third parties who assist us with our work;

  • We reserve the right to release personal data without your consent where permitted by law or to meet a legal obligation.


How long do we keep your personal data?
We keep your personal data for as long as it is need and in line with our Retention/Disposition schedule.  Some records are permanently kept and these will be placed in the Parish/Diocesan Archives. 


In relation to the Baptism Registers held in the Parishes of the Archdiocese, personal data and special category data are retained in perpetuity, in order to achieve the purpose of correctly administering certain sacraments that may only be undertaken once in a person’s lifetime.


How is our information kept safe and secure?

We comply with its obligations under the “GDPR” by keeping personal data up to date; by storing and destroying it securely; by not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data; by protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure and by ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect personal data.


Baptism Registers are annotated upon administration of the Sacraments of Confirmation, Marriage or Holy Orders to an individual. Where an individual receives any of these sacraments, a note will be made in the Baptism Register entry for that individual. Annotations are necessary as it ensures the sacraments of Confirmation, Marriage or Ordination may only be undertaken once during a person’s lifetime.


Your rights and your personal data 

Unless subject to an exemption under the GDPR you have the following rights with respect to your personal data: –

  • Right of Access – you can request a copy of your personal data from the Parish;

  • Right of Correction – you have the right to request that the Parish corrects any personal data if it is found to be inaccurate, incomplete or out of date;

  • Right of Erasure – You have the right, in certain circumstances, to ask for the data we hold on you to be destroyed. This is known as the Right to be Forgotten;

  • Right to Restriction of Processing – where certain conditions apply, you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data;

  • Right to Data Portability – you can request that the Parish transfer your data directly to another data controller where we hold the data in an electronic format;

  • Right to Object –you have the right to object to certain types of processing;

  • Right to Lodge a Complaint with the Office of the Data Protection Commission.


When exercising any of the above rights and in order to facilitate your request, we may need to verify your identification for security purposes.


Transfer of Data Abroad

We do not transfer personal data abroad. 


Further processing

We reserve the right to review and amend this statement at any time without notice.


Contact Details

Please contact the Parish if you have any questions about this Privacy Statement or the information we hold about you or to exercise all relevant rights, queries or complaints or email


The diocesan privacy policy can be accessed on


You can contact the Data Protection Commissioners Office on 00353 57 8684800 or Lo-Call 1890 252 231 or by email at


Updated 24 March 2023


















Accord Website








the Catholic TV channel

can be viewed on

Sky  588

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Virgin Media  815


General Data Protection Regulations (‘GDPR’)

A New European Data Protection Law is being introduced on the 24th of May 2018.   This new law applies to any organisation, including our parish that manages and processes people’s personal information.   We are now working on ways of ensuring that what we do with your information is compliant with this new law.   It is a work in progress and over the next few months we will keep your informed through the parish website and in the newsletter as policies are put in place.   If you have any questions about this please do not hesitate to contact the parish office


Parish Prayer

Lord God, we ask you to bless our Parish. Help us to know you in a deeper way. Help us to sincerely live in imitation of Jesus, your Son, with the power of your Spirit in our hearts. Bless all families in our Parish, especially families that experience difficulties; Bless all the children and young people in our parish; Bless the old, the lonely and the sick, at home and in hospital. Bless those who grieve, those who despair of life, and all who suffer pain and hurt. Bring the grace of healing, peace and hope to all hearts and through the intercession of St. Fergal, to whom our Parish is dedicated, may your love be upon us as we place all our trust in you. We ask your blessing too, Lord God, through St. Fergal, on our Parish Community that we may become a place of hospitality, love, welcome and support for all. We make this prayer to you in the name of Jesus the Lord, Amen. Mary, Mother of Jesus, bring all our lives to the heart of Jesus, your Son, that through you, we may know his love and peace. Amen.